Wednesday 27 April 2011

cyUNk KmbAli. .

huh..kowAng mAw taoo x??cbnAARnye aq pnah kpel..hehe..tu un mawbtaw an??huhu..bkn tataw maw tulis pe ari ni..tu yg aq ctew ngarot2 pes tIMe sAiA kpel,Saia kPel dLm 4 taoon..wah!!..lmenye..hehe..maybe itu yG owAng caLL cinte pes is it??hehe..BuT saia nAn dye clash suDDah ats sbAb die tdoh SAia curang..hmm..pDahal die yg aDEw gurl lain.hmm..sAia hnye mmpu redHa jep..hehe..but SiyeZly sAiA talk to kMu cumuA,CmpAy cekRunk im sTiLL love him but i dunt know aS wat,,lpaz dA ame dye tggal An sAia n los conTAct,mGGu lpaz dye mEcej itew n dye say die stiLL cyunk n Ta ley lupew An sAiA n maw mx kpel lek..wah!!itu la Ayad laki an?..fuh!!..baek punye ayad,..hahax!..bilew sAiA tnye mane gurl die,die ChAkAp da tggl An die..haha..gelax besar sAiA meyh..woohoo..dah Kenai TGGal bwu DatAng crik sAiA..walawey!!..snang tol die permAinkan yup..dye pikey sAiA udAh map aN die aGAknye,,huh!!n maybe saia map an la,sApe la sAiA ta memAAP An owang Laen an??,.,,kprcyaaN sAiA at dye hnye fifty fifty nux ful kan alex ek??hehe..ce cite ce cite..hehexs!
sAia AmAd rindu Ame Awa n mAw dok cebelah Awa cm pcangAn nih..hurm.but itu Anye mimpi SAia jep an??x mgkin itu aKan jd lg cbAb aty sAia sked Amad ame la pggt aw??ato mang tidux atew..hem..hehe..tatAoo la Saia..I VERY MIS AME AWA!!


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